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Hornady Shell Plate #32


Hornady Shell Plates fit to your Hornady Lock-N-Load AP progressive reloading press holding your brass in place for insertion into the die set.

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With Hornady Shell Plates you can reload almost every pistol and rifle calibre on your Hornady AP progressive reloading press.  Shell plates are numbered which correspond to the calibres they are capable of reloading. For example a #16 plate will fit .223Remington cartridges but it is also capable of reloading various other calibres. A number 1 shell plate will reload calibres like .308Winchester, 8mm Mauser, 30-06Springfield, 9.3×57, of course it will also accept additional large rifle calibres. 


Look up your calibre in the chart of Shell Plates & Holders that corresponds with your reloading requirements. The shell plates will fit Hornady Lock-N-Load AP progressive presses with both the new EZ-Ject system and the older wire ejection models as well as the much older Pro-Jector presses. In other words they just work great on Hornady progressive presses.