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RCBS Reloading 3-Die Set (.44Mag/.44Spl)


RCBS Reloading Dies in 44 Mag/44Spl are a 3 die set incorporating a sizing/depriming die, an expander die and a seating/roll crimp die. RCBS provides reloaders with quality reloading supplies to make reliable and consistent ammunition.

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This RCBS Reloading Die Set is capable of reloading both .44 Magnum and .44 Special straight walled cartridge cases and comes complete with 3 dies.  The first die incorporate a de-capping and sizing function that returns the brass case back to factory specifications and will also de-prime the spent case in the same process. The second die incorporates an expander which slightly bells the case mouth of your brass making it easier to accept a new bullet.

Finally after the propellent powder has been delivered the seating die centres the bullet in the case and seats it to a pre specified depth. It then roll crimps the belled case mouth locking the bullet in place. This seating and crimping function occurs all in the same die. While never claiming to be the cheapest, RCBS products are widely recognized for their exceptional build quality. Their outstanding manufacturer backed warranty and fantastic customer service are a testament to their quality product. With an RCBS Die Set reloaders are able make some seriously accurate and reliable hand loaded ammunition.

Brand:             RCBS

Product #:       18608

Calibre:          .44 Magnum / .44 Special

Dies:               1. Sizing/Depriming

2. Expanding

3. Seating/Roll Crimp

Can be used in any brand of reloading press that uses industry standard (imperial measurement) 7/8” x 14 threads.