The Hornady Lock-N-Load Electronic Bench Scale allows reloaders to weigh propellant powders with the level of accuracy that is essential to the safe handling of reloading ammunition.
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The Hornady Lock-N-Load Electronic Bench Scale provides reloaders with precise control over propellant powder loads. The load cell in the scale is the same exceptional quality to the one found in Hornady’s auto charge unit. It should be every reloader’s goal to reload precise and accurate hand loads and to do that you must start with the right tools.
The electronic bench scale has a large easy to read liquid crystal display that makes reading charge weights a breeze. It offers shooters simple push button operation and comes complete with a metal powder pan and two calibration weights. The scale delivers highly accurate, precise and consistent weight measurements within a 6.5 milligram (1/10th Grain) tolerance. It is capable of displaying charge weights within the same finite tolerance right up to 97grams (1500grains).
Despite its American heritage, this 220volt model has no problem accepting Australian domestic power voltages however an adaptor plug maybe required.
Accurate to within 6.5 milligrams (1/10th Grain)
Capacity up to 97grams (1500grains)
Two calibration weights included
Metal Powder pan included
220volt version
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