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Lee Bullet Mold 44 Magnum (.429 diameter) RNFP 200gr (6 Cavity)


Lee Bullet Moulds are precision CNC machined from aluminium offering precise size and roundness control.

Cavity Count:                       6
Bullet Size:                          .429 (10.9mm)
Bullet Weight:                      200 grain (13 grams)
Bullet Shape:                       RNFP (Round Nose Flat Point)
Handles Included:              No
Sprue Plate Include:          Yes
Product #:                            90428
Notes:                                   Suitable for .44 Magnum,
.44 Special, .44/40 projectiles

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Lee Bullet Moulds are precision machined and vented providing constant bullet drops and extraordinary fill out. Aluminium’s highly conductive nature makes it a perfect mould material as it rises to temperature and cools down quickly reducing wrinkled, improperly cased bullets. Most bullets dropped from Lee moulds can be used without additional sizing however lubrication will be required. Lee moulds feature steel bushings and line up pins to ensure moulds align perfectly and deliver the fastest possible moulding times.

Double Cavity Moulds:

Double Cavity Moulds come complete with handles and a sprue plate. They are ready to start casting once seasoned.

Six Cavity Moulds:

Six Cavity Moulds are ideally suited to the volume orientate bullet caster. Like their double cavity counterparts, they also feature steel bushings and line up pins to ensure perfectly alignment and deliver a high production rate. They have a cam operated steel sprue plate with a timber handle that allows for ease of opening and reduces the beating other moulds receive from removing sprues. Albeit the six cavity moulds do not ship with handles, they are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased separately.